Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We want Michelle to visit Houston!

Can you join me in inviting First Lady Michelle Obama to visit Houston? Would you tweet and add the hashtag #HoustonwantsMichelle. We want to be on her list of cities as she speaks regarding the election. I think we can do it. Let's do it!!!!

Castro DNC speech

Mr. Castro did Texans proud as he delivered a keynote address. His statement "to be pro-business you must be pro-education" was powerful. He is a great example of how parents provide for their children to be better than they were. I always thought San Antonio was a great city, but now I really want to go and meet him. Thank you San Antonio for voting for a great mayor and a new leader in the United States of America!!

Michelle Obama's DNC speech

This is Michelle Obama's speech to the DNC on Tuesday night. Our first lady is full of beauty, wisdom and grace. She is an excellent example to women everywhere. As you can tell, I love Michelle Obama!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

We have come too far to turn back now!

President Obama newest video reminds us that we have come too far to turn back now!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Michelle Obama is an amazing first lady! This is a great program and working as a summer fellow in Ohio, I have experienced this first hand. Just talking to one voter, one person at their front door, you realize that one person does make a difference. I have talked with voters who appreciate just being called on the phone by the campaign and not being an automated voice. I have also talked with voters who where not supporters of the campaign, but just that one person who was encouraging and supportive of President Obama, made all the difference. One Person is a powerful concept.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oh the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney! Here is a new ad by President Obama slamming Romney as the "self proclaimed jobs creator" when he was actually "the jobs destroyer"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Remarks made by Romeny after giving his NAACP speech:
"By the way, I had the privilege of speaking today at the NAACP convention in Houston and I gave them the same speech I am giving you. I don't give different speeches to different audiences alright. I gave them the same speech. When I mentioned I am going to get rid of Obamacare they weren't happy, I didn't get the same response. That's ok, I want people to know what I stand for and if I don't stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that's just fine. But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy-more free stuff. But don't forget nothing is really free."

This is my opinion as posted on Huffington Post and some of the replies received.

As a black American, I am offended by the racial suggestion that blacks want free stuff, so that's why they vote for Obama. I have worked and paid into the social security and taxation systems since I was 13, I am now 53. If my tax dollars can provide for better schools, improved roads, feeds those who are hungry and living in shelters, allow someone to receive Medicare benefits and insurance, then I believe my contribution to the betterment of society has been worth it all. The rich like Romney who live off the backs of others, somehow feel they are entitled to make statements that bring others down, and then have the audacity to quote scripture about God's mercy. Romney will come crashing down, and we will all see it.

     I seem to recall that for decades, African-Americans parents have sent their sons and daughters to bleed         and die in wars to provide democracy, human rights, and justice for every one else. Romney's claims that his sons serve their country by campaigning for him.
     As a white American, I am offended by the racial suggestion that ANY minority wants free stuff. Be they blacks, latinos, women. I feel the Republican party is specifically targeting these groups. Shame on them.


VP Joe Biden addressed the NAACP convention in Houston on this morning. He gave a rousing speech that provided a direct contrast to the speech given by Romney. As we learned last night, when Romney talked to another group, he believed that he would get booed when denouncing Obamacare and sought to encourage his base when he reported how the NAACP treated him. Biden announces that Obama is a man of his convictions. That statement speaks volumes.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"When ordinary folks start standing up for themselves, start making their voices heard, start coming together, start believing again, nothing can stop us." —President Obama in Maumee, Ohio as he begins his Betting on America bus tour on July 5, 2012.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Interesting analysis of where Romney has his millions. Guess America is not good enough for his money.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The President speaks about the healthcare ruling today. A great day for "regular" americans, those of us who are caught in between the haves and the havenots.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Fired up and Ready to Go! Canvassing Columbus, Ohio. Fired up.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Making College Affordable

ComFest 2012
Created with flickr slideshow.
ComFest in Columbus on June 22, 2012. Great support from those I spoke with about their support for President Obama re-election. Large crowd for a Friday afternoon. The event goes June 22-24 at Goodale Park and celebrates its 40th year in the community.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

On June 16 & 17, I completed my first event as an Obama fellow. I registered Obama supporters, and registered voters. The people that I talked with were very receptive of President Obama's leadership and were ready to vote to reelect him in November. This is the one of the largest Pride events in the Midwest. and according to the Columbus Dispatch newspaper, more than 230,000 people attended the event.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Call Republicans in Congress and ask them to get to work on these proposals.CALL CONGRESS: (202) 224-3121

Obama For America TV Ad: "Jobs"

Congratulations to Jean W. in Houston, TX, who was the winner in the drawing for the Andre Johnson jersey.Thanks to all who donated!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Texas Democratic Convention ended today. Great motivational speeches by Sheila Jackson Lee, Gene Green, Al Green and Wendy Davis. In Texas, a Democrat has not held a statewide position since 1994 . Some of the values of our party were stated such as protection of Social Security, Women rights, Health Care Act, and protection of constitutional rights for all Texans. A lot was spoken of about education and the need for a State Board of Education that puts our kids ahead of politics. The school curriculum that is mandated by our SBOE affects the entire nation, because of the sheer number of textbooks purchased in Texas. All 15 seats are up for election this November. Visit the Texas Freedom Network for more information:

Monday, June 4, 2012

I am proud to be a part of the grass roots effort to get the vote out in Ohio to reelect President Obama in November. Your donation will help build my internship fund for my transportation and housing expenses as I relocate from Texas. Donations of $10 or more will be placed in a drawing for a Nike Elite Houston Texans Jersey for Andre Johnson #80.The jersey has a retail value of $299, and is a Men Size 48. Drawing will be held on June 7.

With Congress scheduled to vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act tomorrow (June 5), President Obama talked about why the fight for equal pay is more important than ever Women still earn just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. It's worse for African American women and Latinas. Over the course of her career, a woman with a college degree is going to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars less than a man who is doing the same work. I believe in equal pay for equal work.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Planned Parenthood endorsed President Obama on Wednesday and launched an ad that Romney is out of touch with women. The group plans to play a bigger role in the election because of the stark differences between President Obama and Romney. Look for more ads to come regarding Romney's lack of support for women.
It is a sad day in Texas politics, when a larouche democrat, whose platform is impeaching President Obama, wins the democrat primary for congress.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The primary is upon us today. Report has it that Texas will be the state that causes Romney to become the GOP candidate. We are fired up and ready to go to get the vote out for the reelection of President Obama. I will be helping the League of Women Voters on the KPRC hotline to answer questions about voting. Here's hoping the phones ring nonstop with voters seeking information.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

From Deepak Chopra. Romney is using a simplistic but powerful line: This President is a nice guy who is in over his head. What makes this tactic effective is that the right has seized the narrative and made a convincing case built on false claims. Obamacare has been a disaster. In reality, the only provisions that have kicked in, such as forbidding exclusion from health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions, are enormously popular. The real problem with the health care act is that the Republicans twisted it into an unworkable scheme that didn't cut costs, and thus engineered the very legislation that they now decry. Sneaky politics and unfair to the country, but so far a large sector of the public is buying the story. (, May 13, 2012) Glad to see someone stand up for the Healthcare bill. One of the great additions was being able to keep your child on your health plan until age 26 without them having to be a full time student. I have not been able to understand why anyone is against someone having health coverage. Even with copay, deductibles, and premiums, health insurance is not cheap.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

President Obama speaking on May 21 on how economics will be a debate in this election. "How do we create an economy where everyone...has a shot of success...? The President addresses Romney's statement about his success as a businessman.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Obama Phone Bank, Monday, May 21, 6PM - 8 PM, Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale, Ste 510, Houston Bring your phone (charged) and charger. Join us as we call voters to get the vote out for the reelection of President Obama in November.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I am proud to be a part of the grass roots effort to get the vote out in Ohio to reelect President Obama in November. Your donation will help build my internship fund for my transportation and housing expenses as I relocate from Texas. Donations of $10 or more will be placed in a drawing for an authentic Nike Houston Texans Jersey for Andre Johnson #80. The jersey has a retail value of $299, and is a Men Size 48. Drawing will be held on June 7
People on the corner in my neighborhood in Pearland, Texas. Candidate running to impeach President Obama. Makes me more determined to get the vote out for President Obama's reelection campaign. I got his back..

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

President Obama's interview gives insight into his boldness, to state what no other President in the history of the United States has ever uttered.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The latest message from President Obama. If you think things are bad now, then sit back and allow Romney to become President. We must unite and continue going forward in supporting President Obama. The fight begins now to reelect President Obama in November.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

President Obama in Columbus, Ohio in his kick-off campaign in Columbus, Ohio. "If anyone asks you what this campaign is about, tell them it's still about hope." "I believe in you, I want you to still believe in me."
First Lady Michelle Obama at the Ready to Go Rally in Columbus, Ohio

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Meet the Promesa Project Fellowship inaugural class, which is a project of the Texas Democratic Party. These fellows were selected from eight campuses in Texas which have a large Latino population to get the vote out in November. They are from UH,UTEP,UTSA,UTB,UTPA,TAMIU, UT, and DelMar College. Students are asking their friends and family to give their Promesa to vote Democratic. What an exciting program that is working to turn Texas Blue!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

President Obama begins his reelection campaign on May 5 in Columbus, Ohio. He will be joined by Michelle at the Ohio State University at the Ready to Go Rally. Ohio is an important swing state with 18 electoral votes.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Obama Organizing Fellowship Program

I have been selected to be an intern during the summer 2012, for the Obama Organizing Fellowship Program in Columbus, Ohio and I am requesting your support as we work to get the vote out for the reelection of President Obama in November. As a member of this program, I will help build neighborhood and campus teams of volunteers in the Columbus, Ohio area. The program begins June 14 through August 5, 2012.

I will be blogging my field experiences as a field organizer involved in the grassroots operations from Ohio. Please sign up to receive updates.

Would you partner with me as I represent my family, my friends, and my democratic party from Texas? Your donation will help offset my expenses as I relocate to Ohio and help President Obama’s campaign expand its outreach efforts in Ohio.